
Showing posts from February, 2020


"No doubt it is true that just as the too active Western mind would profit by an admixture of Eastern introspection and the meditative habit, so the Eastern would benefit by a somewhat greater activity and energy. "-Swami Vivekananda   THE ANCIENT RELIGION Superficially, it may seem that India is just a land of conquered and suffering people but what they fail to realise is that in the spiritual domain it is our great nation which has conquered the world. To start with we must ask ourselves-what is the basis which keeps two of the most ancient yet most afflicted and oppressed races of the world-the Hindus and the Jewish to survive, when other, apparently much more powerful cultures have perished? What force lies behind the binding of the people who never boasted of aggression? The only logical conclusion that can be drawn is this can nothing other than the Spiritual force. The Jews today are much more influential and numerous compared to that in erstwhile P...


“Again, I repeat, Shakya Muni came not to destroy, but he was the fulfilment, the logical conclusion, the logical development of the religion of the Hindus.”-Swami Vivekananda Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most ancient religions in India. With the present day media craze of “intolerance” and the rising trend of getting “offended” at the smallest of the comments by the most untrustworthy of the sources, it may not be irrelevant to elucidate on the beautiful relationship that these two ancient religions share since the oldest documented historical records. Before you proceed: Checkout all the videos of the mental health series and other videos  here    You can check out my Facebook Page  here  and my  Instagram page here You can also check out my list of books  here . HOW BUDDHISM AND HINDUISM ARE ONE AT THE SOURCE It may not be irrelevant to say here that the relationship between Hinduism and Buddhism is, in many ways very similar t...


Category:Fiction Chapter 1 The snowfall is on the anvil and the clouds over the mighty Kanchenjunga have lost their dominance. The upcoming sunset has started casting a mysterious shadow over the beautiful hill station. Sansthana lodge, like most motels in southern Darjeeling is extremely busy with the ceaseless movement of tourists and hippies during this time of the year. “Please ma’am.”  The young lad Abhimanyu almost shouted in desperation to the old lady who wasn’t even looking at him. “I really can’t remember, Sir. You know there are so many tourists roaming this place.” Mrs Mukherjee, the owner of the lodge replied unmindfully. “But, she did come here for the show, I have credible information. And this is the hotel the band members put up in..” “I am really sorry, Sir.” “If you can please check the registers, her name is Aarushi-Aarushi Arora.” Abhimanyu pleaded. The lady was more concerned ...